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Beyond the Fear: A Course on Anesthesia and Sedation for Children and Adults with Dental Phobia

Google isn’t always your best friend. Instead, learn from an expert who has performed thousands of anesthesia cases safely in the dental office.

What you'll get in this course:

  • Learn a brief history of anesthesia: Spoiler alert! It was first discovered by a Dentist
  • Common myths of anesthesia prevent some people from considering it as an option and why it shouldn’t stop you!
  • The different types of anesthesia and sedation options available for you or your child
  • Who is qualified to perform anesthesia and sedation in the dental office and why you should be aware of who is rendering treatment.
  • The do’s and don’ts before and after anesthesia that keeps you safe and why these instructions are given.
  • Step-by-step guide on how to prepare for a sedation and anesthesia appointment in the dental office.
  • Common medical problems of adults and kids that can still be treated safely in the dental office under the correct care
  • Bonus Module 7- An inside look at the common equipment used, monitoring parameters, and what some of the values (vital signs) mean! With pictures and scenarios.